Tell us your
Funeral Wishes
To help you think about the kind of funeral you would like, we have developed this simple form that you can fill out and send them on to us, we will then keep them on record and send a copy back to you to share with the person that will probably be responsible for your funeral. We recommend that you fill in this form in the company of others, to initiate a conversation about your funeral.

The next steps...
Once you have completed your funeral wishes and sent them on to us, we will keep a copy in our file and send you a copy via email for your own records. You should sign this by hand and have it witnessed. If possible, you should keep a copy with your Will. It is a good idea to also give a copy of the document to your nearest relatives or the person who will probably be responsible for making your funeral arrangements as if your Will is lodged with a solicitor for safe-keeping there may be a short delay in gaining access to it at a time when decisions about the funeral need to be made.